Nakamoto Satoshi, le nom utilisé, est présumé être le pseudonyme de la ou des personnes qui ont rédigé le livre blanc Bitcoin et conçu la première base de données blockchain

La recherche🔍 pour Satoshi dure depuis plus d'une décennie, essayant de découvrir qui ou quoi diable c'est._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Les gouvernements, les banques et les intérêts particuliers ont fouillé tous les coins du globe .....
Certaines identités possibles ont émergé........

Today marks an exponential quadruple nonsensical lunatic burnout to the moon 🌚. None of this makes sense at all, but neither does anything else, so why not? 🚀 🚀🚀 Animated comic strip open-source GIFs, Emojis, 3D objects, and NASA database imagery Lichenstein inspired

Possible Identities: #10-1 The Elontoshi Muskamoto As we shoot into the future, behind us is the history we leave behind. Could this technology be a double-edged sword? On one hand--> from the league of extraordinary gentlemen comes the rise of a brilliant man who ...... On the other hand.... The Kimatoto Jung-toshi

A launch has taken place. We are now entering the Metaverse in search of the real Nakamoto Satoshi. Who is this man? The search on this world has revealed nothing. It's to the heavens where we must search.

1-bit images were necessary to display on ancient display devices, when the bits first appeared. The monster is growing.

While the journey continues above the earth with the journey of our Spaceman, back on earth we see another possible culprit emerge. This gangster.... with some kind of beamy 👀s. We're not sure who this Nakamoto Satoshi person is..... open the covers to find out in another thrilling episode of....... THE SEARCH 🔦FOR SATOSHI!!!!

The Search for Satoshi started as one of the first Portraitures of possible Satoshi variants. The excitement continues with the first ever edition of the Crypto-POP comic art. Created out of sequence as possible Comic fine-art issues of the Metaverse, a book can be judged by its cover. This proclaims to be issue #1, but is in fact #2 in the series. This image was first shown at the intercontinental, Miami Bitcoin conference 2021

Bitcoin has been legalized in China. Bring us the money kitty-cat, we want the money. (Blockchain blocks are represented in paint, digitized)

Ten years have passed. We still don't know his real name, who is this man, the legend, the mystery.... What do you think he's doing right now? This pioneer..... This winner. There are many rumours spreading throughout the internet of the identity of this mysterious man, but the world may never know his true person. Here on the blockchain, an artist's sketch rendering provides you possible clues to his identity. Perhaps he's just a wrinkle in time, not a real person, but ones and zeroes....


We're not in Kansas anymore Dorthy.....